Letters to the Editor
I was getting lunch the other day when I came across rather a pickling dilemma: while BBQ pork sandwiches were the food on the menu, when I walked into the food kiosk, I was met with what seemed like every color of the rainbow wrapped around sandwiches all roughly the same size, yet all containing vastly different things. What is a person to do in this situation?
Best, A hungry and confused Sundevil
Dearest MCSun editor,
Dear Hungry and Confused Sundevil,
I too, have struggled many a time with the food wrapper color confusion in the lunch line. I can bet you that many a fellow Sundevil has stood panicking in the lunch line, facing sandwich roulette. The MC cafeteria does in fact provide a large range of sandwiches for any of our Sundevils who may have dietary restrictions. Guess what else the MC cafeteria provides? Very kind people who work during the lunch period to make sure the process of getting everyone food goes smoothly! Simply open your mouth and politely inquire about the type of sandwich that lies before you.
Yours, A Very Helpful Sun Staff Editor
I want to write a letter to you, but I don't know what to ask! Please give me some ideas or advice on what to ask!
Your best friend, Saddened Sundevil
Dear humans,
Dear Saddened Sundevil,
I can totally sympathize with your dilemma. We have so much wisdom to give that sometimes, it can be hard even to choose how to respond to a letter. If you want to write us, take a moment to contemplate your past week. What has had you down? Is there anything at MC you want to see happen more or less? Hopefully, this edition of our paper will give you great ideas for the next time you may want to write!
Wishing you well, a Sun Staff Editor
Why is theater so awesome?
Sincerely, a Sundevil who tried theater for the first time
Dear MCSun editor,
Dear First-Time Theater Sundevil,
Theater is really awesome and more people should try it. It is a great way to get involved with the school and learn some pretty awesome skills. If you want to get involved more, talk to Ms. O’Kane in the Pereforming Arts Center about joining the Theatre at the Mount Company for the musical, Into the Woods. It is never too late to join!
From, a Staff Member who also loves theatre
I want to write a letter to you, but I don't know what to ask! Please give me some ideas or advice on what to ask!
Your best friend, Saddened Sundevil
Dear humans,
Dear Saddened Sundevil,
I can totally sympathize with your dilemma. We have so much wisdom to give that sometimes, it can be hard even to choose how to respond to a letter. If you want to write us, take a moment to contemplate your past week. What has had you down? Is there anything at MC you want to see happen more or less? Hopefully, this edition of our paper will give you great ideas for the next time you may want to write!
Wishing you well, a Sun Staff Editor
J'espère que tu vas bien. Je réfléchis à ce que je pourrais prendre comme soupe pour le dîner. Aurais-tu une recommandation spéciale? Peut-être quelque chose de délicieux dont tu te souviennes? J'apprécierais vraiment tes suggestions.
*I hope you're well. I'm thinking about what soup I could have for dinner. Do you have a special recommendation? Maybe something delicious that you remember? I would really appreciate your suggestions.*
Dans l'attente de te lire, Triste Diable du Soleil
*Looking forward to reading you, Sad Devil of the Sun*
Cher MCSun
Dear Sad Sundevil,
Soup is really cool and I’m happy you get to have some for dinner. Right now I am craving some good clam chowder but it really depends on the day, there are so many good soups out there. I suggest just thinking about what you are craving atin the moment and going with that.
From, A Soup-Craving Staff Writer
*Cher Triste Sundevil,
La soupe est vraiment cool et je suis heureux que vous puissiez en manger pour le dîner. En ce moment j'ai envie d'une bonne chaudrée de palourdes mais ça dépend vraiment des jours, il y a tellement de bonnes soupes. Je suggère de simplement penser à ce dont vous avez envie sur le moment et de continuer avec cela.
De, un rédacteur assoiffé de soupe*
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